Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lazy Thursday

Thursday we did not have school because it was Ascension. I was woken up at like 8:30 by Meredith talking to her ex-boyfriend on the phone. It lasted for about thirty minutes and then he called back like five minutes later. That was stupid. I forced myself to go back to sleep and woke up at like noon and was rushed to get ready so we could go to lunch. I literally got ready in ten minutes and met Kara, Lynn, Kaitie, Lauren and Attiya to go to this American breakfast place. It took forever to get there and then we had to wait about 40 minutes in line so I was pretty cranky.

It is a really small place that is kind of 50s themed with random American memorabilia on the walls. I got a bacon cheeseburger that came on this huge bun with fries and a Dr. Pepper. It was really good except mine was really bloody and medium well means pink. So order food very well done in Paris. Seriously.

After that we headed back home and went to a few different stores. We were looking for this store Jennyfer that Meredith had talked about but nobody knew what we were talking about and we walked for like a solid hour trying to find it. Half the group went home so it was me, Kara and Lynn walking around and we went to a lot of cute little stores. I got one pair of sandals for 12 euro and they are really cool and now everyone wants them and is trying to copy me. But now I can throw out my one pair of flats and sandals because they are falling apart. We walked around for quite a bit then made our way home. I had one of my pasta box meals and it was less than satisfying. Thank goodness for chicken flavored chips. I worked on some homework for part of the night and just listened to music. I had to get up pretty early the next morning so I didn't want to be up late.

Not much happened on Thursday, but I'm okay with that. I feel like we are so busy during the week that on the weekends I just want to sleep in and be lazy.

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