Saturday, May 28, 2011

Amsterdam, Day One

Thursday we had class with Mickee and it was pretty interesting because we talked about Hofstede's dimensions of culture. She talked about some of the differences in teaching students from different cultures like how French students talk all during class and the Asian students never talk and don't ask questions. She likes teaching the American students because we interact a lot more. I've already learned about a lot of the stuff we cover in her class, but it is interesting to put it into a different context. Then we had lunch and I got this good pasta with creme brule and something else but I don't remember. It was a good meal. Me, Gabby and Meredith headed home to get our luggage because John, Sallie and Beth all brought theirs to class. Some people went to the Louvre but it was more of a free for all than anything. We all met up at the train station and didn't have to wait long to board.

I was expecting a really shitty train, but it was actually really nice. There were nice lights and the chairs were really comfy and they were red or magenta. It was a classy train for sure. They had the announcements in like four languages so it took a while to figure out what was going on. Nobody was in the seat next to me for about the first 50 minutes and then we stopped at Brussels and this German lady sat down and she was sneezing and coughing on everything. It was sick. I brought my book with me but I felt car sick so I just listened to my ipod and it was really nice. I took some pictures of the scenery. We saw TWO rainbows on the way! I got a picture of them. It was so cool.

We finally got to Amsterdam around 9:30 p.m. and we were greeted with high winds, rain and like 45 degree weather. It was awful and none of us were dressed for it. We took a taxi to the hotel, which was pretty close to the train station and found our hotel. It is this rinky dink place above a restaurant that is never occupied. The stairs are ridiculous; they are at about a 90 degree angle and you have to turn your foot sideways to try and pull yourself up the 2 inch deep stairs. I got a salami and cheese panini that was delish! The bread is really good so that made it. Then we went to the liquor store and I got wine and we came back to the room to drink and hang out. It was actually a lot of fun because this is such a random group that we ended up talking for like two hours and didn't even head out until like 12:30. We didn't realize that everything closes at 1 a.m. so there wasn't much going on. We came back to the room like an hour later and talked for a while and John wanted to kill us all because we wouldn't stop talking and laughing. We stopped by one bar/restaurant that was really nice and I got a Johnny Walker and Coke. It was kind of rough, but I thought Daniel would appreciate it :) The guy that worked there was really friendly and filled us in a lot on Amsterdam. Friday and Saturday things are open till 3 a.m. so they don't really do Thirsty Thursday here. Regardless it was a fun way to kick off the weekend and bond as a group.

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