Friday, May 20, 2011

Opera House

This post will probably be short because I can't remember everything from yesterday and I am tired. We had class for part of the day and met our teacher Henri Simmonet who teaches global branding. He was really funny and interesting so class didn't drag. He was really interested in what we are doing while we are here and recommended a lot of things to do. We did an exercise about branding and had to give personalities to brands like Audie, Jeep and BMW. It was fun and relevant and the whole class really liked him.

Then we had lunch and I got some sick egg and spinach thing with some sort of rice thing that sucked. I was not happy. So I stocked up on free bread.

Then we had to meet Armoogum at the opera house and we got on the metro and hear someone say, "You are on the right train," and it was Armoogum. So that was pretty funny and at least we figured out how to get there. We walked around and saw a few theaters including one that is like a French comedy theater that was used to show plays that made fun of the government and were off the beaten path. We stopped by another theater and they wouldn't let us in so we got to look at some dumb pictures.

We made our way back to the opera house and there was this gypsy child in a chicken costume that would hop in pictures and then make you pay her. I didn't fall for it. We got to go through the ball room and the main areas in the opera house and it was so ornate and beautiful. It was for royals only, but now it is obviously open to the public as there is no royal family. We had to tell the ticket people that we were art students from Chicago so they would let us in for free. It worked so it saved me some euroooo. They were rehearsing so we only had a limited amount of time to look around. We got to go in one of the balconies that is actually inside the theater and take a few pictures. It is really pretty and the ceiling is very ornate. It was pretty cool but there were like 30 people jammed in this tiny space.

For some reason everyone was really tired and didn't want to walk around so after we were done with the opera we all wanted to leave. We headed home and a few of us went to Accent to print resumes for class today and then I mailed some postcards and we went out to eat. Everyone got margherita pizza except for me. I got some cheese gnocchi that was ballin. I couldn't eat it all so I brought it home and I'm going to eat it in just a little bit for dinner. Then I called mom and chatted with her and we tried to Skype. That was an experience. The internet here is really slow so the connection sucks. I think the sound is really delayed. It is a pain to Skype with anyone.

I had an migraine and didn't want to do much, but I sucked it up and went out with Lynn, Kara, Liz, Meredith and Josh. It was really fun. We went to this bar called Iguana and there was like nobody there so we brought the party. Drinks were hella expensive so I stuck with the cheapest thing I liked which was jaeger bombs for 6.50. Ouch. I only got 2 drinks because they were so expensive. We tried checking out prices at other bars but everything was more expensive than Iguana. Of all the places in the world, we are in a bar in Paris and met people from Wheaton. It was the strangest thing. We didn't stay too late because we had class early today and I was exhausted so we headed back and went to bed. It was a really fun night and I am glad that I made myself go out because it was such a fun night with everyone. Waking up this morning..was not so fun....

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