Thursday, May 26, 2011

Class, class, class

The past couple days have been extremely uneventful and tiring. We had two classes Tuesday and Wednesday and only one today, but that means six hours of lecture back to back. It was kind of awful. I really like the teachers here, but none of us are used to sitting through a lecture for three hours so it's rough. Especially in Thomas' class; he drags on and likes to talk about his new job and how much he knows about marketing and then gives us a five minute break. I have grown very fond of doodling since being in that class. I do feel bad because when I look around at the room almost everyone's head is down and they're doing something else. But I don't blame them because it is so boring.

We are learning about branding and marketing and management which is all interesting, but much of it is pretty basic and things I have learned in a lot of my PR classes. It is always fun to hear more real world stories from the teachers when we can get them talking about their experiences or ask for recommendations. They have some great stories to tell and a few of them actually have a sense of humor. I think Henri is the favorite teacher of everyone here. He is really funny and he makes a lot of jokes and sometimes he tries to explain things but it doesn't translate right so he just laughs because we look so confused. We are doing a wine tasting in his class and then he said he will take us to a little store where they have a great selection and it isn't pricy like some of the specialty shops so he said if we want to bring wine back to get it there.

Yesterday these two french guys came over to our table at lunch and asked if they could sit with us to work on their English. Yeah good line buddy. Anyway they were nice and one of them is named Quinton and he studied in Wisconsin for a semester and it was so funny to hear him talk about it. He kept saying, "Yeah we drank in ze parking lot and did ze beer bongs." And we're like oh you went tailgating haha. He was wearing a Hollister shirt and I asked why so many people where that here and he said it is really cool for people to wear American clothes that they get in the states. Pretty interesting.

I had this interesting pasta for lunch yesterday, it was kind of crunchy but I think it was more like the crust and then I had these little potato things with some sort of spice on them and they were great! I loved those and wolfed them down. Today I got some other type of pasta with cheese and it was really good. I like more plain stuff. I also got an egg salad with some type of cream that was really tasty and then creme brule. It was SO good. The guy was making it with the torch thing right in front of us. Delish.

Some of the class went to the Louvre, but I had to come back here and get all my luggage for Amsterdam because I am leaving today so I'm hoping I can go there with Mom and Dad. I can't believe they're going to be here soon!!! Oh last night I watched Passport to Paris with Mary Kate and Ashley Olson with a few of the girls and it was so funny. I used to love that movie and watching it now it was the dumbest thing ever. It was cool to see all the sites in the movie that we have seen. We are going to try and find some of the cafes they were at. They talked about francs in the movie so it must have been filmed before France adopted the euro.

So like I said I am leaving for Amsterdam in a little bit and I am so excited! Our teacher Mickee is from there and she said we will love it. It is one of the friendliest places in the world AND they speak English! Merciiiii. We get in around 9 tonight so I am not sure what we will do. I would rather rest up so I can get up early tomorrow and go see a lot. We are going to Anne Frank's annex and I am SO excited. I'm bummed we can't take pictures, but it will definitely be an amazing thing to see. We are also going to the Dutch Resistance museum and a Jewish museum. I want to do a boat tour because Mickee was saying it is a great way to see a lot of Amsterdam if we aren't there for a long time. She also mentioned that there is a large Indonesian influence there so we should try one of the restaurants. I am a little nervous for that, but I am bringing my Pepto so I should be okay.

There were five of us going originally and then Sallie decided to come with at the last second. That is totally fine except we are staying in a hotel with five beds and she thinks she is sharing with someone. Hell. No. She is a little feisty so I am nervous for how she is going to react. We have all told her to bring a blanket and pillow and she keeps saying she doesn't need it because she will share...yeah okay. She is going to be a handful. It is kind of an interesting group that is going. Everyone gets along but we don't really hang out so it may be kind weird. Oh well. PMA. There is a lot of really great history there that I am interested in learning about, but a couple of the people seem to have different priorities. I just don't want to get stuck at a club till 4a.m. because they want to stay and I can't walk by myself. But we will see what happens. At least we get breakfast from the hotel. That will be awesome.

I'm excited to go I think it will be a really great experience. This trip is going by so quickly I can't believe it. I feel like there is still so much that I want to see here! Thankfully I am staying with the fun couple :) I'm bringing my laptop to Amsterdam (fingers crossed that its safe) so I will be able to post about my day. I plan on taking a TON of pics. It is supposed to be cooler and rainy, but never the less I am ready! Adios!

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