Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rodin Museum, Napoleon's Tomb & The Invalides

This morning my alarm didn't go off at 8 a.m., but I had been woken up at 7:15 by Meredith's four alarms. She didn't wake up to any of them so I figured I'd just get up when mine went off. I finally looked at the clock and it was 8:15 and we had to be downstairs at 8:30. I quickly got up and woke up Meredith, who didn't seem to have any sense of urgency. It drives me absolutely nuts. Every single day we are late because of her. I constantly say hey we have ten minutes, hey we have to be downstairs in two minutes and she is never on time. Plus all of her stuff is in the bathroom and she takes her sweet time so I do my makeup on my bed and look at my hair two minutes before we leave. Sheesh.

We headed to school and had class with Thomas. We were all dreading it, but it wasn't TOO bad today. I felt really awful though when Kaitlin was giving him a bunch of attitude about how she didn't care about marketing and wouldn't need it for her career and acted so rudely to Thomas. When he walked away John was like he isn't attacking you so stop being so defensive he is just trying to help. Kaitlin is so rude. She really likes to argue with people and is very ignorant and it made me feel bad that she is representing ISU. Class carried on and we were supposed to finish at 12:30, and he went over by about ten minutes. Sallie decides to make huge movements with her arms and says wrap it up while Josh keeps tapping his watch and making comments and finally Sallie is like It's time to go you need to wrap it up. Thomas looked so offended and everyone was literally staring at her. My mouth was hanging open. She is so ignorant and disrespectful. I couldn't believe she acted that way. We were all completely embarrassed to be associated with her.

Of course at lunch when everyone is talking about it, Sallie and Attiya see no problem with the way anyone acted. Really? Are you that stupid? We all made the point that it was rude and shouldn't have happened so they better figure it out.

Then we had to meet Armoogum at the Rodin museum. Rodin sculpted the Thinking Man and The Kiss but we didn't know much about him so it is hard to be interested in something you don't know about. There were really beautiful gardens though so I took a lot of pictures. We weren't there for long and then we headed to Napoleon's tomb. It was really beautiful inside, with ornate ceilings and different tombs. It was very lavish and pretty, but luckily we got in for free because I would not pay seven euro for that. The tomb is gigantic and apparently they don't even know if it is his remains in there or not. I took some cool pictures in there, but again I really don't know much about Napoleon or the other people there too fully appreciate it. That seems to be a running theme with this program...

After Napoleon's we walked to the Invalides which is a hospital where military people hurt from war go. It has all these cannons and things like that around it. It was really beautiful. We were only there for about ten minutes because it was really cold out today and everyone wanted to go home. I know we are going to amazing places and I want to appreciate them, but it is hard to do so when I have no background knowledge. Everything is pretty and I can appreciate its beauty but the significance seems to be lost. At least I actually have an interest to learn about things unlike some stupid people on this trip.

We got home and checked out a couple shops, but I didn't get anything. I came home and talked with Kara for a while and then made some dinner. It was a tomato, basil, and cheese pasta that was really good. We have a ton of projects due next week and almost everyone is leaving for the weekend. So we have no time to get anything done and everyone is freaking out. On top of that everyone is running out of money and kind of ready to go home. I don't feel like I was well informed about this trip and I think they should change a lot of things. They need to better explain the budget. If we are paying $3,000 to stay in a dorm shouldn't they provide the soap and toilet paper for us? Like really? Or clue us in to the fact that you need to budget a lot of money for food because everything here is expensive. We are all pretty frustrated with both Accent and ISU. Oh well. A bunch of people came in my room and talked for a while and then I just showered and I'm going to relax and go to sleep because we have to be downstairs at 8 a.m. tomorrow. We have our written part of our final with Mickey tomorrow so that should be interesting. I don't think it should be too bad. A lot of what we have learned in her class is review for me. We'll see how it goes. Some people are going to the Moulin Rouge tomorrow, but I didn't want to go so I may go out with other people or try to get some work done. Time is flying by and I feel really behind on everything. Especially sleep.

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