Monday, May 16, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Yesterday I slept until 1 p.m. and it was great. I need to get on a better sleep schedule. Me, Kara, Lynn, Meredith and Sally went up on the walking path that is right next to our apartment and it's raised off the street. It was a little cooler than it has been and a bit windier, but the sun was still out so it was nice.

The path goes pretty far down so you can see a lot on the walk. I'm not sure what most of it was, but it looked nice. There were a lot of people out since it was Sunday afternoon. There were a few homeless people asleep in some of the plants. It was a nice touch. We were all starving and with very little options for places to eat, we wound up at trusty McDonalds. The ordering process was bizarre and thankfully one of the employees spoke some English. I got a cheeseburger, fries and a Diet Coke.

I tried asking for a plain cheeseburger and she kept asking if I still wanted the burger on there. They have the option of regular fries or potato wedges, but I opted for fries. They taste basically the same as the fries at home. My cheeseburger was good; it had mustard on it so I'm guessing "plain" means no ketchup or pickles. Whatever.

We sat there for a while and talked which was nice because there wasn't much else to do. When we left we headed to Marche Franprix, which is a small grocery store. I got some French Pringles for a snack, toilet paper, yogurt and these cheese things to put in the microwave. They have a lot of American products like Lays chips and Peppridgefarm stuff but it is crazy expensive. I had no idea what the cashier was saying to me, which makes it hard to buy things but Kara saw the total on the screen and filled me in.

Lynn, who is not a drinker at all, decided that she should get a flask of some 40% white rum. It was only like 5 euro and came in plastic with a cardboard backing. We are awaiting the night to pop that thing open. It looks sick. It gives you recipes on the back of the packaging, but they are in French so that isn't much help.

Once we got back we sat in Kara and Lynn's room and just talked. The other group of people stopped by to see if we wanted to go for a walk, but they could not have looked more uninviting. Kara and I passed and just stayed and talked, while Lynn and Liz went with. We were right to pass. They came back and explained how miserable it was being with the other group because they were so exclusive and didn't talk to anyone. Whatever they are lame so I don't care. I like the people I am hanging around with so I'm fine.

Around 10 we were starving because none of us had eaten dinner and a collection of people was slowly forming in their room. We ended up calling Domino's to deliver a pizza and THAT ordering process was hysterical. Kaitie called and talked to about seven different people trying to order 3 large cheese pizzas. It was the most ridiculous thing ever. Forty-five minutes later we called Domino's and asked where our pizza was and they said three minutes so Lauren and Liz went outside to wait. Apparently we were 40 cents short so they had to run back up to get the right change. What a joke.

After that I pretty much blacked out because I have never shoved pizza into my face so fast. Me and Kara split one pizza and we destroyed it. It was DELICIOUS. I have never been happier to have Domino's in my life. More people came into the room so we were all talking for a while and around midnight, people started to leave.

I went to bed around 1 or so and had a really nice night. I like hanging around with Kara, Lynn and Liz a lot. They are really funny and nice. I didn't sleep that well last night. My mind was racing and then I woke up at 8 a.m. and had weird dreams. I had this dream that I had to go back to Downers Grove South and eat lunch and then get back on a plane to Paris but I didn't know how to find a ticket back so the plane was leaving in like an hour and I wasn't sure if I was going to make it or not. Such drama. I woke up before I found out if I got back to Paris so who knows. I'm a little tired so it will probably be an early night for me.

It is hard when everyone wants to stay up till 1 or 2 a.m. and I am exhausted because I want to be included but I can't stay up that late! I need to rest up so I can be awake during the day. I am excited to start school and get into a schedule and routine. That will be nice. I know I need more rest because my eye has been twitching like cray cray. It is uncomfortable and I get nervous that people are staring at it. Oh well.

We have to meet downstairs soon to go to class and then we are done around 3:30 or 4 p.m. We leave for the concert at like 6:30 and it starts at 7:30 p.m. I'm excited to go. I'm wearing a cute dress and cardi, but it looks a little cool and overcast =/ lame.

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