Saturday, May 21, 2011


Friday morning was hard to wake up after going out the night before. It was worth it though. We headed to school and met our marketing teacher, Thomas Misslin. It was the most painful three hours of my life. Thomas Misslin is very nice and he was born in New Jersey so I could actually understand him. By the end of the day I wish he was speaking Japanese so I could have an excuse to fall asleep. He wore the ugliest pleated pants that were so short I couldn't believe he was for real. He decided to tuck this puffy checkered shirt into the pants, which made his outfit so distracting I had no idea what he was talking about. To be honest, I'm not sure what he talked about for the entire time. It was the most basic class that I thought it was a joke. I know how to put a resume together. I have a general knowledge about marketing. I don't need to give my resume to someone else and have them critique it because I already know I am better then them. I was not amused.

The class was putting everyone to sleep and the teacher noticed quite easily when at least three people fell asleep. I don't blame them. I tried taking notes just to keep myself busy but instead I wound up writing about how bored I was. He gave us a five minute break. In the span of three hours. Seriously? I thought it was a joke. Thankfully I brought my bacon flavored pringles so I could snack. He spent about thirty minutes explaining how his class and Henri's class were different. I figured that out thank you. Thank goodness Penny called Accent and told them we were getting lunch before we stopped there because I was flippin ravenous. They served plain pasta which I love so I was a happy camper. I put a little cheese on top and got some pudding and bread and was set.

We had to stop by Accent to drop off our Metro cards to be charged. Checked a few emails, talked to Stephen Graff who is quite easily the most energetic person I have ever known. I also talked to my friend Scott who is in Cologne, Germany and we may be going to visit him on our four day weekend. He mentioned he is going to Berlin so we may meet him there or do a night in Cologne and then all go together to Berlin. It is really up in the air at this point.

We left Accent and headed home where everyone took naps. I was so exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open. I woke up at five to shower and then Skype with Anthony for a bit. It was really nice to hear from him and I was excited to tell him about all the things I have been doing. I got ready and met the girls down stairs. Everyone wanted to go out, but we wanted to hit up happy hour because we wanted to get the deals so we hurried to the bars because it ends at 9p.m. Me, Kara, Liz, Lynn, Sally and Attiya went to Iguana and we each got two drinks. I got a Jaeger bomb and I think a Bull Island which is like a Long Island but has redbull in it? I may have made that up. It was tasty though. We stayed there for a little while before checking out the surrounding bars. We decided to split a few drinks because they are so expensive so I got a Sex on the Beach, which was a little too fruity and pineappley for me. I also had a whiskey coke which was hella strong and not that good but for 5 euro it was legit.

We ended up going back to Iguana around 11 or so and saw some people from our group. They were not in good moods and apparently don't like to smile or talk to anyone so we did our own thing. Me, Kara and Liz decided to go back to the bar with the 5 euro whiskey cokes and ended up talking to people there for a while. Everyone thinks it is interesting that we are from America. They did point out though that they don't binge drink like Americans do so people may make fun of us for that. Whatev. We headed back to Iguana after a while and everybody left so we sat for a bit and met people from California and Rhode Island. Is anyone in Paris actually FROM Paris? We didn't stay long and decided to walk around and saw more people from our group who had just come from a bar where they ran into Dr. Long and Penny. I guess they were dancing with them and getting drinks which is a little odd considering they both have to be 60. Little late don't you think? We all went to the bar with the whiskey cokes and some people got drinks but most of us were pretty tired. We headed back after a little bit and I went to sleep.

I woke up today and haven't done much. I like being lazy after doing so much during the week. I read Water for Elephants and then watched some tv on my lappy. Me and Liz went to franprix to get some food because I am starving here. Then we came back and I cleaned my room and took a shower. I haven't been doing much since. It is almost 7:30pm here so it is practically time to get ready to go out for the night. I think the whole group may go out to a dancing club which would be super fun. Kara and Lynn ended up going to Normandy for the day because a family friend of Kara's is in Paris. They left before I even woke up so I didn't really care. They should be back around 9 tonight so I'm not sure if they will come out with us. It is really hot here today so hopefully it will be warm when we go out.

Some people were talking about some club that's on a boat and cost ten euro to get in. Um what? I don't really want to do that. I need to save some mons here. Tomorrow we may go back to Montmarte but I am not sure. It will probably be a pretty mellow day because we have a long week ahead of us. That's all for now. I wish I had On Demand and fast food here. And wifi. That would be great.

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