Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Catacombs

Today we had to be at school and it was not fun waking up at 7:20 a.m. I hate waking up early. But it was supposed to be 77 degrees today so I can't complain. We all went together and have to make a few changes on the metro. We got on at Auber I believe and Kaitie was by me and then there were a ton of people on my car so she decided to get on the other car. We got off only a couple stops later and we step off the train and Kaitlin yells, "Look out for the gypsys!" We turn around and Kaitie was sobbing because there was a group of kids that shoved her right before they got off and they stole her camera. Another girl tried grabbing Kaitlin's wallet and she grabbed the girls arm and snatched it back. I felt so bad. Kallie said right when she got on the train there was a girl that reached into her back and she slapped the girls hand and yelled at her. Hahaha. Actually it isn't funny because I would be devastated if someone stole something from me. Me, Lauren and Kallie waited with Kaitie as she talked to the guy at the Information desk and told the people downstairs in the metro area and told Kaitie where to go to file a police report and then go back to the Auber station because they have cameras in the station and on the train.

The people at Accent warned us about all the kids on the train. They said that it is a huge problem on the Metro and they just busted two of the main people in this group. They are usually kids and sometimes an adult and they create a distraction by either shoving someone or having a doll that looks like a baby and dropping it to distract people and then taking their stuff. Kaitlin's bag doesn't have a zipper and was wide open and Kaitie's bag was behind her and unzipped, which is exactly what they told us not to do. I flip my bag towards me and hold it to me so nobody's getting in here. I felt really bad because it is scary more than anything to know that someone is in your stuff.

We walked to school and we were only like two minutes late. We met our teacher Mickey Keeren who teaches Intercultural Management. She gave us a brief history of Europe and the EU and it was so boring. It was hard to stay awake. Then we got a 30 minute break and came back to finish up some notes about cultural difference and what makes people different. Then she explained that we have a final project to do in pairs and we have to research a cluster of countries and explain the similarities and differences in business practices compared to the U.S. I am working with Liz and we got the Low Countries which are like the Netherlands or something. Of course we get the place that the teacher is originally from so that is great. Again, people were really disrespectful in class and like putting on makeup or lotion and talking and passing notes. Really? So stupid. Then we got lunch; I had a pork chop, some rice pilaf or something, mozarella and tomato salad, chocolate pudding and bread with olive oil. Delicious. Absolutely delish. And only 5 euro. Even better.

The pork chop was pretty good but I never have them with the bone in so it was a little weird. Kind of dry and not as good as dad's, but it was like the first real meat that I've had. Everything else was really good. It is such a good price that it makes everything taste better.

We headed back home and met up with some people and made our way to the Catacombs. It was a pretty short metro trip there and it was right across the street where we got off. It was only four euro too. The sign said it may not be good for children or those with a nervous disposition so of course I started to get nervous. You have to walk down 130 stairs to get to the bottom and 80 some stairs back up. It's like 20 meters down and the staircase is this spiral that feels like it is never going to end. I got really scared and worried about having enough air but it was fine. You have to walk 500 meters to get to the actual start and you're in this tiny hallway with uneven footing and it gets really chilly and there are drops of water falling. It was so creepy. You'd think they'd put a few more lights in there, but apparently that's not in the budget.

There were engravings on the wall to signify when that part was built and which pillar it belonged too. Also there original markings from the workers and their tools. People used to be able to go down there by candlelight so there are a lot of black markings on the ceiling so they knew where they were. There are also street signs on the walls so you know which street your walking under.

It was pretty creepy to be down there and actually seeing the bones was a strange feeling. There was one sign right before you enter the area with the bones that mentioned to be respectful as so many people are buried there. I almost felt bad taking pictures because I don't want to be disrespectful. It was very interesting to see and I couldn't believe how many bones were there. Everything was arranged so neatly and in such order, I don't know who would have had the patience to do that. It only takes about 45 minutes to go through the whole Catacombs so we weren't there for very long. We stopped in the gift shop after but everything just had skulls on it. Nothing historic or cool looking. Just overpriced and tacky. A few people stopped to get ice cream and then we got back on the metro to come home.

A few of us stayed in the Gare dy Lyon metro station because they have a bunch of cute shops and one store had a ton of beauty products and they were all 2 euro so I got some Pantene shampoo and conditioner because the stuff I brought isn't enough for one shower. Then we walked home and I've been sitting here uploading pictures and updating my blog. I will be going to bed early tonite. Some of us want to go out tomorrow night because come Friday, everyone's schedule is different and people are going different places all the time. I only have my trip to Amsterdam next weekend. I was talking to Kara about going to the South of France for our long weekend, but if it is too expensive then I will stay here. I can't justify spending a ton of money on travel to a lower part of the country I'm in. We'll see.

I can't wait for lunch tomorrow. I can't wait to be home and have Walmart and Target and Taco Bell. Convenience doesn't seem to be a big thing here. There are no one stop shops really. Our teacher today was explaining how a lot of people hate the euro because they used to use the French Franc here and when they switched to the euro it was six times only one franc. Crazy. Needless to say the cost of living here went through the roof.

I'm already tired. I hope I can fall asleep around 10. Au revoir? I think that's bye.

1 comment:

  1. OMGZ those little jerks! I can't believe they stole your friends camera! Are they just hooligans or are they really gypsies? Can you tell by looking at them that they are gypsies? It's good that you keep your purse close cause they would love to pick on a skinny, well dressed ZZB.

    Are you in class with non ISU kids?

    Your lunch sounds so delish! I love that you get bread with every meal.

    The catacombs sound really interesting! Your pictures are great and I felt like I was going down the narrow staircase too. Did you like this excursion?

    You should ask the Accent people where else you can go in France. Mom mentioned seeing the beaches of Normandy and I think that would be sooooo cool.
